22nd Week, Friday, Sept 3

 22nd Week, Friday, Sept 3

Colossians 1:15-20 / Luke 5:33-39

Christ is the visible likeness of God; God's fullness resides in Jesus 

22nd Week: Aug 30- Sept 4:

 22nd Week: Aug 30- Sept 4:

 Aug 30 Monday:

Today’s Gospel presents the reaction of Jesus’ fellow- townsmen, to the “Inaugural Address” offered them at a synagogue in Nazareth when Jesus visited the town as a rabbi with a band of disciples.  The reading shows us how Jesus faced scepticism and criticism with prophetic courage.

22nd Week, Wednesday, Sept 1

 22nd Week, Wednesday, Sept 1

Colossians 1:1-8 / Luke 4:38-44 

Paul rejoices in the Colossians; Their faith is bearing fruit.  

23rd Sunday B: Ephphatha - Be Opened


 Michel DeVerteuil 
Textual Comments
We are given the context of today’s story: it took place as Jesus was “returning from the district of Tyre”. He was passing “by way of Sidon towards the Sea of Galilee” and this brought him “right through the Decapolis region”. This reminds us that we must know how to leave our ordinary surroundings so that we can meet people like this man.

21st Week, Saturday, August 28; St. Augustine

 21st Week, Saturday, August 28; St. Augustine

1 Thessalonians 4:9-12: Mt 25:14-30

Paul encourages the people to make even greater progress.

21st Week: Aug 23-28:

 21st Week: Aug 23-28:

 Aug 23 Monday (St. Rose of Lima, Virgin): 

The context: It is the third day of the original “Holy Week” in Jerusalem, a day of controversy and personal attacks.  The Master is under fire, and challenges the religious leaders of Israel, pronouncing the first three of the eight woes Jesus would levy levies against the religious leaders, calling them hypocrites and publicly humiliating them.

22nd Sunday: Purification - Both Inside and Outside


20 Sunday B: Living Bread for the Life of the World

 Michel DeVerteuil 
Textual Comments
This is the fourth passage from John 6 that the Church invites us to meditate on at this time of the year, and the third in which Jesus gives the people a teaching based on their experience of the miraculous feeding.

Aug 15: Assumption of Mary - Liturgy


    Glory and honor to our risen Lord, whose victory over death was shared first by her who was closest to him, his Mother, the Virgin Mary. May her Son, the Lord Jesus, be always with you. R/ And also with you.

21st Week, Monday, August 23

 21st Week, Monday, August 23

1 Thes 1:2-5, 8-10 / Matthew 23:13-22

Paul rejoices over the Thessalonians; They turned to God.