Christmas: Stories

 Christmas Stories from Father Tony Kadavil

1) Origin of the Christmas celebration: Many scholars believe that Christmas came to be placed on December 25th in order to counteract a pagan celebration called the Birth of the Unconquered Sun. The Romans called their winter holiday

Christmas - Liturgical Prayers

Greeting (See Second Reading)

    In our own time God has spoken to us
    through his own Son,
    the radiant light of God's glory
    through whom he made everything.
    May this Son, Jesus the Lord, be with you. 
    R/ And also with you.

Advent, 22nd December, Wednesday

 Advent, 22nd December, Wednesday

1 Sam 1:24-28 / Luke 1:46-56 

Hannah takes Samuel to the Temple; Hannah dedicated Samuel to God.

Advent 4th Week: Dec 20-24

 Advent 4th Week: Dec 20-24

Dec 20 Monday: 

The context: Today’s Gospel describes the story of the Annunciation, explaining how God began to keep the promise

Advent, 21st December, Tuesday

Advent, 21st December, Tuesday

Zephaniah 3:14-18 / Luke 1:39-45     

The time is near; My lover comes leaping over the hills.

Advent, 20th December, Monday

Advent, 20th December, Monday

Isaiah 7:10-14 / Luke 1:26-38

Isaiah prophesies; A virgin shall bear a son.

Advent 18th December, Saturday

 Advent 18th December, Saturday

Jeremiah 23:5-8 / Matthew 1:18-24       

Jeremiah prophesies: A descendant of David will rule as king.

Advent 4 Sunday C - Liturgical Prayers

Greeting (See the Gospel)
Blessed are they who believe with Mary
that the Lord will fulfill his promises.
The Lord be with you. R/ And also with you.

Advent 4 Sunday C: Mary and Elizabeth


 Michel de Verteuil

General comments
Each year the gospel passage for this Sunday is a story of Mary’s pregnancy, and for this year it is the visitation.

Advent, 17th December, Friday

 17th December, Friday

Genesis 49:2, 8-10 / Matthew 1:1-7

Jacob prophesies; Judah will hold the Royal Scepter.