30 Sunday B - Blind Beggar


Today’s Gospel is a classic example of Mark’s use of miracle stories.  He uses them to make a catechetical point, not to overwhelm the reader with Jesus’s power.

 Mark does not deny the power, but emphasizes rather our desire to understand, to grasp, to find meaning.

 If  you want really to see who you are and what you’re life is about, you must listen closely to Jesus, not seeking words which will serve your own agenda, but rather words which challenge you, make you think, force you to reflect.


Once upon a time a very wealthy Yuppie and his girlfriend went on a trip to Africa to hunt lions – with a camera because they were politically correct Yuppies

They were shocked and disgusted by the poverty, the corruption, the hunger, and the sickness of the people in these countries. They told each other repeatedly how everything would be fine in Africa if the local people simply had a sense of initiative and responsibility and developed a work ethic something like the American one.

Quotes 35 - Success

"If one advances confidently in the
direction of his dreams, and endeavors
to live the life he has imagined,
he will meet with a success

unexpected in common hours."

Quotes 34 - Thoughts

"You are today where your thoughts
have brought you; you will be
tomorrow where your
thoughts take you."
- James Allen

SI Chapter 2012 Group Photo

29 Sunday B

Andrew Greeley: 


The apostles simply didn't get. No matter how many times Jesus told them that the kingdom he was restoring was not the old military and nationalist kingdom that the people wanted, but a kingdom in which humans reflected God's forgiving love, they never got the point.  

What other kind of kingdom was there besides one like David and Solomon ran? OK, Jesus was David or Solomon or maybe even someone better.  

Little Boy for Mother Teresa's Poor

Boy donates film earnings to MC Sisters

Boy donates film earnings to MC Sisters

West Bengal, August 29, 2012: When Akash Mukherjee wrote his first check recently, his hand trembled.
It was not just the presence of Sister Mary Prema, superior general of the Missionaries of Charity (MC), and his parents that made the 10-year-old nervous.

27 Sunday B

Current Scenario:

The grim picture presented by divorce statistics. We are told that during the last three years the divorce rate in the U.S has gone above 43%, although it is still less than that in Russia (65%), Sweden (63%), U.K (49%) and Australia (49%).   In 1998 there were 19.4 million divorced adults in the U.S.A.  Each year 2.5 million more couples get divorced.  A greater number of   divorces   occur   within   the   Christian   churches   than   in marriages made outside the church.  An ABC broadcast reports that the divorce rate in the "Bible Belt" is 50% higher than in other areas of the country.  This affects the lives of one million new children every year, 84% of whom live in single parent homes. Statistics for the U.S. predict the possibility of 40% to 50% of marriages ending in divorce if current trends continue.  People between the ages of 25 and 39 account for 60% of all divorces. More people are in their 2nd marriage than 1st (www.    With  divorce  being  so  common  today, nearly half of all marriages end in divorce.

26 Sunday B

Thomas O'Loughlin

Introduction to the Celebration

We gather here as a community, but we are not a club. A club is a group of like-minded people who see themselves or their interests as distinctive from others. We are a community whose deepest desires are pursued by every human being of good will. Whoever is seeking to do what is right; whoever is seeking peace; whoever is bearing witness to the truth; whoever is caring for the creation; whoever is helping the poor – with all these we make common cause and, gathered here, we commend them to our heavenly Father.

25 Sunday B

25 Sunday B September 23


Thomas O'Loughlin

Introduction to the Celebration

Each week when we gather here we renew our commitment to being disciples: to following the way of the Lord on our pilgrimage through life. And as a pilgrim people we have been listening to Mark during this year as he reminds us of the demands of discipleship. Today we hear Mark reminding us as disciples that the core of the mystery we celebrate is that Jesus, the Son of Man was arrested, put to death, and rose again. This is the mystery of faith. But we also hear him warning us about how we can be distracted in our discipleship: instead of seeing this community as the group which must model the way God's people should live, it can all too easily degenerate into being a group where people argue and compete for honours and position. We as disciples have to both be focused on the Lord and recognise how often we fail as disciples.