Mothers’ Day – Prayer

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

We thank you for our mothers to whom you have entrusted the care of every precious human life from its very beginning in the womb.

Easter 5th Week, Monday, May 11th

Acts 14:5-18 / John 14:21-26 
Jesus gives parting advice: “Keep working on love.”

Richard Bach wrote a story called Jonathan Livingston Seagull. One of the characters in it is an old teacher named Chiang, who has had a great influence on Jonathan. The day finally comes when old Chiang must leave his young student forever. Jonathan knows it’s a special moment and wonders what parting advice his old teacher will give him. Chiang’s farewell message contained just four words: “Keep working on love.”

Mothers' Day - Intercessory Prayers


1.       For all mothers, particularly those who are with child: that they may be supported by loved ones and warm friends, and that they may be understood and blessed; We pray to the Lord:
2.       For young mothers everywhere, and especially those who are tempted to despair: that through the child they carry deep within, they might know hope and joy; We pray to the Lord:
3.       For all mothers, especially those who are young or alone: beaten or addicted; that God might heal their broken hearts and seal them with his love; We pray to the Lord:

The Seven "I AM" sayings of Jesus - Prayer

The disciples were called Christians first in Antioch. (Acts 11:26). Christos=anointed, M’siha, Messiah, filled with grace. Jn 14:9: If you have seen me, you have seen the Father. In the seven I AM statements, Jesus reveals his face and his function. As Christians, we are called to emulate those seven functions.

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life": Easter 4th Week, Friday and Easter 5th Sunday - Prayer

Jesus: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life

Jesus Christ, you are the Saviour, the Way to the Father,
The Truth we depend on, the Life that we need.
We trust you, believing! We listen, receiving
The joy of the gospel by which we are freed.

Easter 4th Week, Friday, May 8th

Acts 13:26-33 / John 14:1-6 
Jesus makes a promise: “I will come back.”

After the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in World War II on December 7,1941, they invaded and occupied the Philippines. Three months later, on March 11,1942, General Douglas MacArthur was forced to flee from the Philippines. Before leaving for Australia, he told the islanders, “I shall return.” Two and a half years later, on October 20,1944, he kept his promise. Landing on Leyte Island, General MacArthur said, “I have returned.” Jesus, too, promised to return after he departed from this world. Like MacArthur, he will reappear someday and say, “I have returned.” When Jesus returns at the end of time, will we greet him with the same joy that the islanders greeted MacArthur? “I am going to prepare a place for you.” John 14:2

Easter 4th Week: Thursday, Prayer Reflection

We are the Disciples of the Lord

We are Jesus’ disciples, following him even as he moves toward the cross. Even as he wraps a towel around his waist. Even as he kneels to wash the filth from the feet of his friends.

We are Jesus’ disciples, longing to be faithful even as the night grows dark. Even as betrayers loom. Even as the powers that oppose the way of Christ press in around us.

Easter 4th Week, Thursday, May 7th

Acts 13:13-25 / John 13:16-20 
Jesus teaches about service: “No slave is greater than his master”

Eastern Mennonite College ran an unusual ad in Campus Life magazine. After describing how everyone today is striving to be “on top,” the ad noted that it wasn’t much different in Jesus’ day. Even Jesus’ closest disciples wanted to be “on top.” Jesus made a dramatic statement about this attitude. He simply tied a towel around his waist and washed their feet. In other words, he dramatized in action what he had taught in words:

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Jesus, the Good Shepherd: We pray for other sheep and shepherds- #4

Jesus, the Good Shepherd: We pray for other sheep and shepherds- #4 
Prayer for Others

Lord, we ask for the courage and compassion of the Good Shepherd, who lays down his life for his sheep.